#4: Amy Nussbaum

09/17 TH 3:15PM



You’ve heard about the 2020 Census, and you’ve heard about statistics, but what do they have to do with each other? We will talk about the United States’ federal statistical system focusing specifically on the Census Bureau and their ongoing data collection activities, and we will discuss ways that everyone, students included, can use Census Bureau data as a public good.


Amy Nussbaum is interested in the study of latent variables, which, like happiness or stress, cannot be measured directly. Specifically, she studies the assessment of personality traits. In addition to academia and research, she encourages understanding the use of statistics in government and industry. After graduation, she spent a year as the inaugural American Statistical Association Science Policy Fellow, working to promote the practice and profession of statistics by advocating for evidence-based policymaking and the federal statistical agencies. In addition, she worked for a small medical device company developing a novel imager that detects diseased human tissue using artificial intelligence.