Laboratory Calculus and Functions II

Course Information

Lectures: MWF, 08:45am - 09:35am in Carr 114
Labs: TH, 10:30am - 12:15pm in West Duke 108B
Instructor: Shan Shan
Office hours: TH, 5:00pm - 7:00pm in Carr 132
Calculus (6th ed), by Hughes-Hallett, et al.
106 Coursepack for 2017-2018 (the lab manual)

Course Description and Objectives

Calculus studies two ideas, the effects of the way things change and the idea of the mathematical infinite. In your previous calculus course Math 105L, you have encountered these ideas in finding the derivative of a function. This course will continue in a slightly different setting, which is integral and differential equations. Topics include zeros of functions, antidifferentiation, initial value problems, differential equations, Euler’s method, slope fields, review of trigonometry, modeling with trigonometric functions, Riemann sums, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, integration by substitution, integration by parts, separation of variables, systems of differential equations.

We will focus on problem solving skills and coherent writing as in Math 105L.

Grading :

Your semester grade for this course will be determined by me based off my assessment of your overall performance in the course. Scores from the block final exam will be used in order to gauge the performance of this section as a whole in comparison to other sections. This block grading system helps to ensure consistency of the meaning of letter grades across all sections of Math 106L. As a result of this policy, any letter grade assigned to assessments prior to the final exam should be considered an estimate. Your final grade in this course will be roughly comprised of the following:

Homework and Labs 30%
Midterms 40%
Final Exam 30%

To see a detailed description of grading in lab calculus courses, please reference the document titled Block Calculus Course Policies.


Midterms and Final Exam:

There will be four in-class midterms and one final in the exam period in this course. These exams are scheduled on the following dates:

Calculators are not allowed in all quizzes, midterms and exams. However, in the final exam, you are allowed to bring one standard-size sheet (front and back) with whatever formulas or notes you would like.


There will be no make-up exams nor rescheduled exams, except excused by your dean in the following cases:

Duke Community Standard:

Students are expected to adhere to the Duke Community Standard . If a student is found responsible for academic dishonesty on a graded assignment, I reserve the right to assign a grade of zero to the assignment in question and to further reduce the final grade for the course by one or more letter grades possibly to a failing grade.