How to submit your quiz/exercise to moodle assignment

Congratulations! You have just completed the quiz/exercise on the daily formative assignments. The next step is to export the quiz/exercise to a .pdf file and submit it on moodle. This tutorial will give you a step-by-step guidance on how to submit your assignment on moodle.

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Use gather town for social activities in your online seminar

Let’s just admit that it is nearly impossible to keep our students watching a monotonic speech for more than 20 minutes. As seminar organizers, we are battling for our audience’s attention against the entire universe of the good internet. One trick I found very helpful in creating an engaging seminar experience is to create interactive activities. In this blog, I will outline some steps of creating a speed-dating type of ice-breaking activity using Gather Town.

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Host your learnr tutorial on your own shiny server

Congrats! Now you have configured the shiny server on your virtual machine. To host your learnr tutorial, you need to place the tutorial file (.Rmd) in the correct folder via the command scp that transfers your file securely to the virtual machine.

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